Arwid Mednis
Arwid Mednis is the head of the Public Administration Research Unit at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. He has a postdoctoral degree (doctor habilitowany) in legal sciences. Arwid is an expert in the field of personal data protection law, electronic communications law and broadly understood administrative law.
He has been dealing with the protection of personal data since 1991. In the years 1991–2000 he represented Poland in the Personal Data Protection Committee at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, and was its chairman for 2 years. He co-founded the first Polish act on the protection of personal data, participated in the work of parliamentary committees preparing draft legislative changes, among others in telecommunications law and in parliamentary work on the act adapting Polish law to the GDPR.
Arwid Mednis is also a practitioner in the area of personal data protection. As a legal advisor, Arwid advises many companies and institutions, and also represents them in court.
He is recognized by international ranking of lawyers – i. e. Chambers and Partners, as no.1 data protection lawyer in Poland.