Florence Raynal
Florence Raynal began her career in 2000 within the Law Firm Donahue& Partners LLP in New York, where she participated in launching the e-commerce & privacy business line and worked for 3 years on global compliance projects. Back to France, she worked as a Senior Manager within Ernst & Young Law Firm for 4 years where she advised clients on privacy matters at both national and European levels. She was appointed Ernst& Young Data Protection Officer and coordinated the firm’s privacy compliance for 26 countries.
In 2008, she was appointed Head of the International and European Affairs Department of the CNIL. She advised former Presidents Alex Türk, and Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin as Chairman and Chairwoman of the CNIL and of the Article 29 Working Party and Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin as Chairwoman of the International Conference of Privacy Commissioners. She now advises the current President Marie-Laure Denis and the Institution on any international or European subjects, such as global data flows, enforcement cooperation and new regulatory initiatives. Part of her job is also to represent the CNIL abroad.