Przemysław Pałka
Przemysław Pałka is an Assistant Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, where serves as the PI for the Project "Private Law of Data: Concepts, Principles, Practices and Politics" funded by the Norway Grants. He is also Affiliated Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale. His research interests encompass the intersections of law, technology, and social justice. In particular, Pałka’s interested in private law, consumer law, data law, law’s automation, and legal aspects of AI, virtual objects and interoperability. Before joining the Jagiellonian University in January 2021, Pałka was Yale’s Fellow in Private Law (2018-2020), and a Researcher at the European University Institute in Florence (2016-2018). He holds a PhD (’17) and an LLM (’14) from the EUI, and an MA (’13) from the University of Warsaw, Poland.