12- Where enforcement is just a piece of the puzzle: the GDPR and the journalistic exemption

17 juin 2022, 09:45
Studio / Online

Article 85 GDPR creates a possibility for Member States to exempt those who exercise their freedom of speech for “journalistic purposes” from specific GDPR rules and obligations. The panel would aim at identifying how the GDPR has been enforced in this specific context and how to reconcile the need for journalistic freedoms? In other words, how can we protect investigative journalism (especially since this is often a cross-border activity), while still ensuring compliance with data protection legislation? 

Moreover, the panel would explore the role SAs have in the enforcement context and what could the next steps be in order to make it effective and efficient. Lastly, the panel would try assessing whether Proposals such as the Anti-SLAPP made by the Commission be a way to counter such systematic issues. 


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